by Madison V. Fisler
June 25, 2013. Starting on June 23 and continuing through the week until June 29, 17 churches are participating in a week-long tent revival in Cook Park in Todd.
“A tent revival is generally a week of preaching services and special music held in a tent,” said Dr. Lawrence C. Young, The Pastor in the Peaks.
Generally held in the summertime when the weather is nice enough for a week long outdoor activity, tent revivals are a great way to meet people from other churches and catch up with old friends whom you have not seen in years.
“It’s a very different ambiance than a church,” said Young.
From Monday through Friday, the tent revival will feature a special guest speaker, Dr. Bailey Smith, who is a former president of the Southern Baptist Conference.
The singing will be provided by a community choir, along with others including Marcy’s Well, Mercy’s Well, Eric & Laura Ollis of Mountain Ridge Ministries, Melina Corbet, The Winkler Family and the Mennonite Brethren Church Choir.
The tent revival will be held in the Walter & Anne Cook Memorial Park, in Todd, NC, beside South Fork Baptist Church. Services begin at 7 p.m.
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