Dear Editor:
I would like to recall to voters a fact about Dan Soucek’s veracity.
Dan Soucek wrote in a letter to the editor about his opponent published October 14 2010:
“Recently, Steve Goss has gone on the attack.
His biggest complaint is about “outside money” influencing this election. Overwhelmingly, my base of support comes from hundreds of small donors throughout the 45th State Senate district.”
Twelve days later, on October 26th, the Soucek campaign filed a disclosure report indication that only 30% of Mr. Soucek’s financial support came from individual donations while the rest came from Political Committees.
Specifically, the Soucek campaign reported:
- · $89,636.45 from individual and aggregate individual donations
- · $209228.10 from Political Committees
Check it out at:
Mr. Soucek road into office on a tide of scurrilous propaganda most of it financed by money from sources outside the 45th district, some from Virginia, which he indorsed by his silence.
Senator Steve Goss was falsely portrayed as flagrantly wasting tax payers money citing:
- The building of $50,000,000 million on a fishing pier, which in fact was authorized by the unanimous vote of the legislature because of its value as a tourist attraction and cost the tax payers nothing.
- Giving his Hollywood buddy special tax favors which referred to a bill that was passed after NC lost the lucrative Hannah Montana movie project to neighboring Alabama which provided more favorable tax structure to film production companies.
Both of these bills were designed to attract business to North Carolina.
Mr. Soucek’s record includes for celebrating the massive cuts to 45th District school funds, cuts that may discourage business’s from relocating to North Carolina, despite lowered business tax rates which in fact had no built in strategies for attracting new business or job creation.
He lately introduced a bill to strip Boone of its ETJ authority when the cement factory in Seven Oaks, represented by his crony Atty. Nathan Miller, was called to answer to pollution and safety violations charges brought as a result of complaints by Seven Oaks residents.
I call that bald-faced cronyism.
Ruth Laughlin
Boone, NC 28607