Feb. 3, 2015. Due to “dangerous road conditions in many areas” of Avery County, the Avery County Schools system closed for students on Tuesday, Feb. 3. In addition, Watauga County Schools also called a snow day.
Watauga County Schools has now tallied eight official snow days, and Saturday school is scheduled for Feb. 7 as a makeup day.
Avery County Schools has now missed 10 days of the academic year. However, Avery County Schools extended school by 20 minutes and have been able to make up five of those days.
If another snow day is missed, Avery County Schools will have to decide whether to extend the school year in the second week of June or use up days during Spring Break.
See prior article quoting superintendents from both schools regarding the snow day outlook that was published on Friday. Note that since that article was published, school was cancelled on Monday and Tuesday.