Santa Sighted in Banner Elk on December 18 Visiting Students at Banner Elk Elementary

Santa greets Katie Smith and Daniela Figuero, who attend the Y snow camp program.

It was a Santa parade!  Er, or a parade for Santa?  Or, a parade Santa came to? 

It was an eager group of kids hanging out of car doors and windows, as their pajama-clad parents and costumed teachers grinned and Santa passed out Christmas goodies.  Instead of a traditional before-Christmas “blowout” at Banner Elk Elementary School, with PJs at breakfast and a holiday movie, COVID-19 prompted Mr. Claus to do an about-face and come to the school early—a “fantastic experience,” according to the old gent himself.

“TODAY was one of the best days,” Principal Justin Carver, enthused, “and a new tradition at Banner Elk Elementary School.”

Shannon Puckett and Amanda Bentley are ready to pass out holiday items to students as cars line up as far as the eye can see. 
Santa and Justin Carver pass out prizes to one of the winning cars for the tackiest decorations! Charlie Sorrow’s mom!
Katherine Zazenski passes out gifts to Liam Younce, a first grader and member of the YMCA snow camp program.
Pre-K elf Trent Woodward with his gift from Santa!