Round Up Your Household Hazardous Waste and Bring It To Landfill on Thursday, July 14

By Jesse Wood

During the months of April through October, the new site is open one Thursday a month - as opposed to once or twice a year as had been the case in the past before the new facility opened.
During the months of April through October, the new site is open one Thursday a month – as opposed to once or twice a year as had been the case in the past before the new facility opened.

Watauga County’s new household hazardous waste collection site will be open on Thursday, July 14 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Located at the landfill, the site is open once a month between April and October.

Only waste from residential homes is accepted, and Watauga County’s Solid Waste and Recycling Department’s staff advises that you make sure to transport it securely in the trunk or truck bed to avoid exposure and spills. The collection of hazardous waste under this monthly program is free.

The household hazardous waste facility accepts a variety of toxic materials, which if disposed of properly helps to keep our environment toxic free (see below).

For more information, call Watauga County’s Solid Waste and Recycling Department at 828-264-5305 or click here.

  • household cleaners
  • paint
  • varnishes
  • stains
  • paint thinner/remover
  • solvents
  • pesticides
  • automotive liquids
  • mercury items
  • light bulbs
  • batteries
