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Rev. Tommy Brown Called as Ministry Consultant at Boone Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

July 18, 2013. Boone Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is pleased to announce that Rev. Tommy Brown has been called to serve as ministry consultant for the fellowship which is located 381 East King Street in Boone.

Begun in 1958 and chartered in 1970, the nearly 100 members of BUUF gather weekly for and 11 A.M. service, have a full program of religious education, and have many additional opportunities for service, fellowship, and learning.

Tommy Brown
Tommy Brown

BUUF welcomes all persons without regard to age, race, color, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation. Having served as Presbyterian (PCUSA) campus minister at ASU for the past eleven years, Rev. Brown continues to serve campus and community as an adjunct instructor at Appalachian State University, on-call hospital chaplain, and life coach with College Life Engagement Coaching.

Rev. Brown is a graduate of Maryville College and Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He has a certificate in Youth and Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary and is a Certified Professional Coach having attended the Institute for Professional Education in Coaching. Rev. Brown is author of Unscripted: Engaging Life After College (Parsons Porch Books, Cleveland, TN). As ministry consultant, Rev. Brown leads the service of worship monthly, leads regular adult religious education series, and works with the program committee, social action committee and other groups at the fellowship. He will be providing leadership for BUUF’s annual Fellowship Retreat at John’s River Valley Camp on August 23-25.

Through the year the Rev. Brown will present a series of Sunday services on the theme of COEXIST. In each service he will focus one of the great religions of the world that inspire and inform modern Unitarian Universalism and complement its Judeo-Christian roots.

On Sunday July 21 he will be speaking on Buddhism and Asalha Puja also known as “Dharma Day” which this year is July 22. Asalha Puja commemorates the first sermon of the Buddha and his doctrine of the Four Noble Truths. Through this series Rev. Brown will explore the inspiration and truths expressed in each of the religious traditions as well as the challenges of co-existing in a world where religious adherents come into conflict. We welcome anyone to join us regularly at BUUF. Rev. Brown is scheduled to speak on July 21, August 18, September 22, October 27, November 17, and December 15.

Love is our doctrine, the quest for truth our sacrament and service our prayer. To dwell in harmony with all life, at peace with one another, seeking knowledge in freedom and serving humankind in friendship. This is the covenant statement of Boone Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. If you would like additional information please see the website at www.buuf.net.