Republicans React to President Trump’s State of the Union Address

Rep. Virginia Foxx was pictured on National TV getting the President’s signature after his State of the Union speech..

President Donald J. Trump gave the traditional State of the Union Address to the nation on Tuesday night with much fanfare from fellow Republicans.

Included near the front of the line to greet the president was Representative Virginia Foxx. It has become a sort of tradition for her to be near the entrance to welcome the president and get his autograph. Foxx and many other Republicans shared their sentiments about President Trump’s speech and the future of the United States in 2020. 

Tim Moore, North Carolina House Speaker: “The American people know the President will keep his promises to prioritize economic success over big government growth, build a better tax code, forge new trade agreements, and pursue pro-growth regulatory policies that benefit families with a powerful economic vision for North Carolina and the nation.”

Virginia Foxx, United States Representative: “Under the Trump Administration, America’s economy continues to experience unprecedented levels of growth, the free market continues to flourish, and hardworking Americans are no longer subject to burdensome regulations enacted by the previous administration. It’s clear that President Trump remains committed to putting the American people first. However, there is still much work to be done. We must ensure that our border is kept secure, our position within the global marketplace remains strong, healthcare affordability is improved, and America’s aging infrastructure continues to be rebuilt. The tasks before us may seem daunting, but by casting aside political showmanship and caustic division, we can come together to address the pressing issues that are most important to the American people.”

Samantha Cotten, Trump Victory Spokesperson: “As President Trump addressed Americans at the State of the Union tonight, his unparalleled record of success in his first three years is clear: two dangerous terrorist leaders killed, two Supreme Court Justices confirmed, and two major trade deals signed into law. America is thriving under President Trump’s leadership as we are experiencing the strongest economy we have ever seen, and the best is yet to come.”

Thom Tillis, United States Senator: “Tonight, the President laid a wonderful foundation for answering that age old question: are you better off now than you were four years ago? Record low unemployment, record-high job creation, new trade agreements with Canada, Mexico and China. Job creation opportunities for small businesses and farmers in North Carolina, unlike anything we’ve seen in years. I am proud to have been there to support the President on these policies and I look forward to us continuing the good work in this session and the Congress to come.”

The White House sent out a fact sheet focusing on the economy and included some information about North Carolina’s economy specifically. 

  • At 3.7 percent, North Carolina’s unemployment rate is falling, and its labor force participation rate is rising.
  • Since President Trump’s election, 220,000 jobs have been created in North Carolina.
  • North Carolina’s falling poverty rate has lifted 53,000 people out of poverty.
  • The 252 opportunity zones in North Carolina are attracting investment to previously forgotten communities, including in Cumberland, Guilford, and Wake counties.
  • Entrepreneurship is booming, as new business applications in North Carolina are up 30 percent since the election.
  • As more North Carolinians are working, Unemployment Insurance claims are down 31 percent since the election and have hit a record low under President Trump.