Rep. Foxx Introduces Bill Establishing Transparency in the Paris Climate Agreement

Today, Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement on her introduction of the Protecting American Resources, Innovation and Sovereignty (PARIS) Act:

“The Paris Climate Agreement (PCA) currently serves as a bad deal for Americans that fails to achieve its intended purpose, and one that puts the livelihoods of countless Americans in jeopardy. Given the historic reductions in U.S. emissions over the last 15 years, America’s innovation, resiliency and adaptation to our climate challenges should serve as bedrocks to build upon – not objects to tear down via the stifling taxes and extreme regulations found in the ‘Biden Climate Plan’.   

“As the Biden Administration rejoins this agreement, Congress must ensure that transparency and accountability within this process remain front and center. That’s why I’ve introduced the PARIS Act, legislation that will require the President to submit a detailed report to Congress on any proposed Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Climate Agreement prior to the submission of the NDC to the United Nations.

“This legislation will provide Congress with explicit details on the projected economic and workforce impacts of any proposed NDC. With an undertaking as large as the Paris Agreement, it is essential that Congress and the American people know the real costs of the agreement, and how the Administration intends to mitigate those impacts. Furthermore, it restores Congress’s proper oversight role by subjecting the NDC to congressional consideration.

“In addition, the PARIS Act prohibits any legal cause of action in U.S. courts pursuant to the Paris Agreement, which will stop any future frivolous lawsuits stemming from the agreement in their tracks. Further, the bill grants future administrations maximum flexibility to protect U.S. innovation, energy exports, and the emission cuts associated with both.

“I’m proud to have Representative Garrett Graves (R-LA) join me in introducing this legislation to bring further transparency into the President’s actions on the PCA so that Congress – and the American people – will receive nothing less than the facts.”


U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx represents North Carolina’s 5th Congressional District and is the Republican Leader of the House Committee on Education and Labor.