Compiled by Jesse Wood
Jan. 2, 2013. Registration is now open for the popular Michael R. Patricelli Craft Enrichment Program at ASU for spring 2013. Registration will end once the class starts or enrollment is full to capacity. These workshops provide hands-on experience to students and community members to learn a new hobby or advance skills in a certain craft or creative endeavor. For more information, click to or call Eric Reichard at 828-262-6360.
Residential Architecture
This six week introductory course, available for individuals interested in building a residence in the High Country Area, teaches students about the principles, techniques and professionals necessary for designing a house. Students will study the various components of the design process, such as site analysis, programming space, concepts, schematic design, design development and construction documents, through various lectures and workshops. Working directly with local design professionals, the final class meeting will consist of an interactive design charrette for a new house on a representative building site for the area. A sketchbook and course pack will be provided for the class discussions and exercises.
Instructor: Chad Everhart and Don Woodruff
Enrollment: 15
Dates: Tuesdays, February 26 – April 16, 2013
Time: 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Cost: $155.00
Location: Katherine Harper Hall Room 11
Introduction to Lampworking/Beadmaking
“Lampworking” is the technical term for the art of melting and forming raw glass into shapes by using a special high-temperature torch. Glass beads have been treasured and traded for centuries and this class will explore the process of the ancient craft using moretti on mandrels. We will cover torch safety, types of glass, scientific properties, proper annealing, dots, stringers, latticino, encasement, texturing and much more. By the last class students will feel confident in their ability to make the glass flow.
Instructor: Shannon Boyd
Dates: Thursdays, March 21 – April 11, 2013
Enrollment: 4
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $165. (Covers all materials)
Location: Katherine Harper Hall Room 41
Beginning Stained Glass Session 1
Basic Stained Glass – copper foil method – This workshop best suits the needs of beginning stained glass enthusiasts and those who want to refresh their stained glass skills while creating some new projects. Participants will be introduced to the basic stained glass terminology and skills: glass safety, preparing a project pattern, scoring and breaking out of stained glass, making a jig, grinding cut glass pieces to fit the pattern being used and to remove sharp edges, washing the glass pieces, wrapping glass pieces in copper foil, soldering the pieces together and cleaning/polishing the project. Approximately three to five small projects will be completed by most participants by the end of the workshop. Patterns and glass will be provided by the instructor. This workshop provides an opportunity for fun, fellowship, and creativity. Come and join the group!
Instructor: Marianne Rooks
Enrollment: 6
Dates: Tuesdays, March 19 – April 30, 2013
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $175.00
Location: Katherine Harper Hall Room 41
Beginning Glass Fusing and Slumping
Learn the basics of glass fusing and slumping while making beautiful bowls, plates, jewelry and decorative objects. In this introductory workshop we’ll discuss glass types, compatibility, cutting and firing schedules. Come experience one of the easiest ways to work with glass and take home some unique objects. Most supplies provided.
Instructor: June Kay
Enrollment: 7
Dates: Saturdays, March 9 – March 30, 2013
Time: 9:30 a.m. to noon
Cost: $155.00
Location: Katherine Harper Hall Room 41
Beginning Jewelry
Participants in this beginning jewelry class will learn the basic techniques necessary to produce rings, pendants and other items in sterling silver, copper and brass. The goal is for each participant to create a finished piece by the end of every second class.
Instructor: Jim Rice
Enrollment: 8
Dates: Wednesdays, March 6 – April 24, 2013
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $180.00 including all materials
Location: Katherine Harper Hall Room 41
Intermediate – Advanced Jewelry
Participants in this advanced jewelry class will learn the additional techniques necessary to produce rings, pendants and other items in sterling silver, copper and brass. Participants may choose from a variety of intermediate and advanced projects of their own design such as cutting and polishing freeform or calibrated cabochons on the lapidary machine, lost wax casting, cuttlebone casting, etc.
Instructor: Jim Rice
Enrollment: 4
Dates: Wednesdays, March 6 – April 24, 2013
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $180.00 including all materials
Location: Katherine Harper Hall Room 41
Introduction to East Asian Brush Painting
This six week course is perfect for anyone who has never painted before, as well as those who have experience in other mediums who are curious about this ancient art form. Students will learn the age-old brush strokes of the Chinese Masters. As the technique is learned, the artist’s own feelings about a subject will flow onto the paper, giving the painting a life of its own. Over the centuries the materials essential for painting have remained the same. Referred to as the Four Treasures, these materials consist of a bamboo brush, ink stone, ink stick and paper. Basic brush strokes will be taught as well as mounting techniques for handmade cards and completed paintings. Quality materials are included in the class fee. Note: Registration includes 2 Chinese brushes, ink stone, ink stick, rice paper, watercolors, felt, cards/envelopes, and mounting paste.
Instructor: Dawn Wicklow
Enrollment: 10
Date: Thursdays, March 7 – April 11, 2013
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $175.00
Beginning Painting
This will be a fun class using acrylics. We will cover the basics plus some new and intriguing methods for “jump-starting” your paintings. We will explore different styles, techniques and subject matter to find what’s truly “Yours!” Learn how to achieve a strong composition and color relationship in your painting and freely express yourself! This will be an enjoyable class whether it’s your first time painting or if you’re a seasoned painter looking for some fresh approaches.
Instructor: Tara Belk
Enrollment: 12
Dates: Tuesdays, March 5 – April 23, 2013
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $150.00
Location: Katherine Harper Hall Room 181
Photography: Digital
This is an introductory course in digital photography for the novice photographer. Topics will include: the digital camera’s controls, artistic image composition, lighting, color correction, saving files, emailing images, and using computer software to manipulate and restore images. The participant will work towards building a digital portfolio of images. Students must provide a digital camera and storage media for both the camera and the computer. Students will work with both Apple and PC computers.
Instructor: Mick Kreszock
Enrollment: 15
Dates: Tuesday, January 29 – March 26
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $155.00
Location: Katherine Harper Hall Room 105
Beginning Pottery: “Pots with Personality”
Creative exploration of textures and sculptural additions will be encouraged through frequent demonstrations and individualized instruction. Your personality will be evident in your pots as you learn to alter basic forms with methods such as stretching, faceting, carving, cutting, and embellishing with hand-made stamps and sculptural elements. All levels welcome, course fee includes 25# of clay, glazes, and firing fees. No experience necessary. Registration includes a 25 pound bag of clay.
Instructor: Tara Belk
Enrollment: 12
Dates: Thursdays, March 7 – April 25, 2013
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $155.00
Location: Katherine Harper Hall Room 55
Intermediate Pottery: Techniques & Ideas
This course will focus on wheel throwing, hand building and glazing techniques. There will be weekly demonstrations on how to make various functional wares (mugs, bowls, pitchers, casseroles, plates, etc.) for students with some experience. We will also explore closed forms, slab vases, and the use of handmade clay stamps and molds. Clay will be fired to Cone 6 unless students want to explore Cone 10 firing for an additional charge. During the end of the course as the weather cooperates (hopefully!) we will do some raku firings with crackle and copper luster glazes. All levels welcome, course fee includes 25 lbs. of clay, glazes, and firing fees. Registration includes a 25lb bag of clay. Additional clay is available for purchase.
Instructor: Maggie Black
Enrollment: 15
Dates: Mondays, January 28 – March 25, 2013
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $155.00 including 25 lbs. of clay and firing fees.
Location: Katherine Harper Hall Room 55
Intermediate Pottery: Developing More Skills
In this 10-week class, students will continue development of their throwing and handbuilding skills with focus on ways elements such as handles, lids, feet, spouts, and texture can enhance individual forms. Glaze application will be emphasized. Demonstrations and design challenges.
Basic clay experience necessary; imagination and a sense of humor helpful. Glazes and firing at Cone 6 and 25# of clay included in class fee. Cone 10 firing and additional clay extra. A variety of clays are available. Registration includes a 25lb bag of clay. Additional clay is available for purchase.
Instructor: Lucy Hamilton
Enrollment: 12
Dates: Tuesdays, January 29 – April 16, 2013
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $180.00
Location: Katherine Harper Hall Room 55
Pottery: Decorating With Images From Nature
In this course hand building and throwing techniques will be taught. Students will be encouraged to create decorative imagery using a direct printing and stamping process with objects found in nature. Demonstrations and collecting advice will be given. All are welcome. Registration includes a 25 pound bag of clay.
Instructor: Jimmy Savely
Enrollment: 12
Dates: Wednesdays, March 6 – May 1, 2013
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $155.00
Location: Katherine Harper Hall Room 55
Beginning Sewing
This class is for those who have never sewed before and beginners who want to improve their skills. You will learn to push the limits, constructing a dual garment such as a street length skirt that can also be used as a top, or a floor length skirt that can be used as a dress. Many more ideas as time allows. Sewing machines and a serger will be available for class work. You are also encouraged to bring your own sewing machine or serger.
Instructor: Baben Patricelli
Enrollment: 4
Dates: Thursdays, March 21 – May 9
Time: 6 to 8 p.m.
Cost: $85.00
Location: Edwin Duncan Hall room 313
Intermediate Sewing
Students should have previous experience with sewing and the sewing machine. This class will include the application of a zipper, waistband, set-in sleeves and buttonholes, including the construction of a skirt or slacks and a blouse or jacket and more as time allows. Several sewing machines will be available for class work and each student will have a turn on a serger. You are also encouraged to bring your own sewing machine or serger.
Instructor: Baben Patricelli
Enrollment: 4
Dates: Thursdays, March 21 – May 9, 2013
Time: 6 to 8 p.m.
Cost: $85.00
Location: Edwin Duncan Hall room 313
Fiber Spinning
In this class you will learn about the processing of wool into yarn. You will have the opportunity to learn about different fibers in their various stages of preparation to become yarn, including carding with hand carders and the drum carder. You will be able to touch the different breeds of sheep to feel the various qualities of the wool. At the end of 6 weeks you will be able to spin on the spinning wheel and ply a yarn that you can use to knit, crochet or weave.
Instructor: Jane Plaugher
Enrollment: 4
Date: Thursdays, March 21 – April 25, 2013
Time: 6 to 8 p.m.
Cost: $125.00
Location: Edwin Duncan Hall room 313
Beginning Weaving: Session 1
In this eight week introduction to the versatile 4-shaft loom, students will learn basic weaving techniques using floor and table looms. Students will learn how to warp and operate a loom, weave samplers of various loom-controlled patterns, experiment with a variety of fibers, and learn basic finishing techniques to create several unique hand-woven items. Traditional weaving patterns and materials will be used.
Instructor: Jane Plaugher
Enrollment: 3
Date: Tuesdays, March 5 – April 30, 2013
Time: 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $160.00 including basic materials.
Location: Edwin Duncan Hall 311
Introduction to Metalworking / Welding
Class projects in this course will focus largely on welding and other techniques for joining metals. Steel will be the primary focus, but opportunities to explore aluminum, stainless steel, and other metals will be offered. In addition to gaining an understanding of welding safety and theory, and practice time, students will learn how to select welding equipment appropriate to their needs. Cutting, machining, heat treating, and sheet metal work will also be discussed. If time allows, steel for personal projects will be sold by the foot at additional cost.
Instructors: Steve Ward
Enrollment: 15
Dates: Mondays, February 4 – March 25 ( 8 week )
Time: 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Cost: $175.00
Location: Watauga High School Weld Lab
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