Last night’s meeting of the Watauga County Board of Education included three recognitions.

The Watauga County Board of Education recently received the Golden Bell award from the NC School Board Association, the highest professional development honor available to Boards of Education. The award recognizes that all five Board members have met the Association’s highest standards for the completion of training that strengthens their understanding of their roles as Board members. Board Chair Ron Henries said the award was an honor for the entire Board, adding that “it can only make us better to receive additional training about our responsibilities as a board. I’m proud that all five members of the Board completed all five days of training offered recently, and I’d like to thank all of my fellow Board members for their commitment to serve our schools.”

Grace Fowler, Owen Warmuth, Andrew Nenow, and Canyon Frerer were recognized by the Board for having been selected as Semifinalists in the National Merit Scholarship competition.

Chris Hutelymyer, Technician Level 2 for Watauga County Schools, was presented with the Servant’s Heart Award by Superintendent Dr. Scott Elliott. In remarks to the Board, Elliott commented that anyone who has ever had a technology problem “understands the value of kind, patient, highly skilled, customer service oriented tech support. We value the person who can respond to our needs at the drop of a hat, listen intently to understand our needs, smile patiently as we complain, and then fix our problem with no fanfare or fuss. Mr. Hutelmyer is that kind of person for our schools. He always serves our students and teachers with the bigger picture in mind, and has worked hard to learn and continue to develop his own skills throughout his eight years with the school system. He is a very deserving recipient of the Servant’s Heart Award.”
When asked about Hutelymyer by Dr. Elliott, Hutelmyer’s colleagues also praised his work. Technology Director Nancy Zeiss said that “Chris makes sure that every technical question is addressed whenever he addresses an issue. When Chris is with a customer he “owns” and tries to fully resolve any questions, representing my department in the best possible way. ”
Director of Instructional Support Services Ike Smith added that Hutelmyer “places the highest value on service to others and recognizes that the purpose of that service is to enable the best possible learning experience for students. He is prompt, level-headed, kind, and positive in all he does.”
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