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Quiet Givers Announces Return of Heat Up the High Country Fundraiser

BOONE, N.C. – Local non-profit Quiet Givers is once again raising money to cover heating  fuel bills for families in need this fall and winter through their Heat Up the High Country  campaign. 

“This has historically been one of our most successful fundraisers,” said Executive Director,  Mattie Lucas, “and with the cost of fuel so much higher than usual this year we are  expecting more need than ever before.” 

Organizers have set a fundraising goal of $10,000, double last year’s goal of $5,000. “The  community has really come out to support this campaign for us in a big way in the past”  Lucas said. “It’s an ambitious goal but the need is there, and with the community’s support I  know we can meet it. Even a small donation can go a long way in making a huge impact  on a neighbor’s life.” 

The Heat Up the High Country campaign covers heating and energy costs for folks in need  across the high country in Quiet Givers’ coverage area of Watauga, Ashe, and Avery  counties. With minimum fill-ups averaging well over $500, these needs are expensive and  can often be cost prohibitive for folks who are already struggling to make ends meet. Quiet  Givers partners with other local organizations to help catch needs that might otherwise fall  through the cracks, and 100% of donations to this fund go directly toward heating costs for  folks in our area. Those wishing to learn more about or contribute to the program can visit  www.quietgivers.org.

Courtesy of Quiet Givers.