Public Library Basic Concepts of Microsoft Word and High Country Lifelong Learners Movie: “Thelma & Louise” 

Basic Concepts of Microsoft Word

Audience: Adults (18+)
Location: Watauga County Public Library – Meeting Room
Cost: Free

Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute in association with the Watauga County Public Library invite you to join Heather Wright for a “Basic Concepts of Microsoft Word” class on Tuesday, October 10th from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm.

In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of word processing including creating, saving, and retrieving files; the use of templates for writing cover letters and resumes as well as basic functions such as copying and pasting text, handling source citations, creating tables and lists along with reviewing documents for spelling errors.

Space is limited to 8 participants and registration is required.

For more information or to register please call (828) 264-8784 ext. 2


High Country Lifelong Learners Movie: “Thelma & Louise” 

Audience: Adults (18+)
Location: Watauga County Public Library – Meeting Room
Cost: Free

High Country Lifelong Learners in association with the Watauga County Public Library invite you to join us for a movie viewing of “Thelma & Louise” on October 9th from 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm.

Ridley Scott’s 1991 film, “Thelma & Louise”, tells the story of two best friends who set out on an adventure that soon becomes a terrifying escape from police as these two ladies try to evade capture for the crimes they committed!

Stars: Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis & Harvey Keitel

This film has an MPAA rating of R and an approximate run-time of 130 minutes.

For more information please email:, Attention: Deb Gooch.