By Jesse Wood
The Town of Boone is holding a public hearing regarding revisions to the proposed mixed-use development at The Marketplace property in downtown Boone on Monday, Nov. 27, at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. This meeting was originally scheduled in late October but cancelled because of heavy rains.
Surrounded by the intersections of Water, King and Howard streets, this project is being developed by John Winkler, Kenneth Wilcox and Roger Wright. The plans have changed at least twice in the past two years, and the Boone Town Council approved the previous proposal earlier this summer.
The development features commercial space, apartments and a parking deck. Under the revisions, the overall footprint of the building has increased slightly to 36,311 square feet, according to documents filed with the Town of Boone’s Planning and Inspections.
Instead of 44 one-bedroom, 50 two-bedroom and 5 three-bedroom units, the revised plans call for 4 one-bedroom, 46 two-bedroom and 8 three-bedroom units. Commercial space has been reduced by 7,380 square feet to 10,458 square feet.
Total parking has also been reduced to 222 spaces from 367. The project was originally approved for 40 percent of its parking to be dedicated to short-term hourly parking. That percentage is 36 percent in the revised plans. Total bicycle parking has been reduced from 88 spaces to 44 spaces.
For more information about the development, click to these planning docs.
Check out previous articles, which include previous renderings:

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