May 21, 2014. The Town of Blowing Rock is planning the first of its two semi-annual “flushing” of the water lines to take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, May 27, 28, and 29.
This important preventive maintenance routine will help ensure our system customers have sustained levels of high water quality by removing sediment and deposits from the more stagnant areas of the system. Some customers may briefly experience a temporary slight discoloration of water in the immediate vicinity of the flushing activity.
If this happens in your area, please run your cold-water faucet to flush out the service line to your property. For rare but occasional extended discoloration please contact Town Hall at 828-295-5200 with your location and we will work to clear up any issues. Thanks so much for your understanding and support through this necessary maintenance process.
Our fall water line flushing process is currently planned to take place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 4, 5 and 6.
In our effort to inform our customers so they can plan accordingly, we will be using our CodeRED automated notification system on Wednesday, May 21, and again on Monday, May 26. For those customers and citizens who have not yet registered for this free service, they may do so through the CodeRED link on our website at CodeRED Messages may be received by telephone, email, text, or all three according to the customer’s selected preference.