‘Pleasant Surprise’ at The Cottages: 51 Units with 249 Beds Receive CO’s, Parent: ‘Looks Very Impressive’

Sunday was move-in day for many students at The Cottages of Boone.

By Jesse Wood

Aug. 19, 2013. As of Monday morning, the Watauga County Planning & Inspections department has issued 28 buildings in The Cottages of Boone development, according to WCP&I Director Joe Furman, who added that those 28 buildings represent 249 beds in 51 units. 

That still leaves less than 80 buildings in the 894-bed, 61-acre housing development without certificates of occupancy. Furman said no inspections have been requested for Monday, however he “anticipates” his office to conduct inspections on Tuesday. 

On Sunday, the streets of the development were lined with cars and U-Hauls carrying parents and students and their belongings. While many tenants and parents expressed disappointment on Facebook this weekend regarding the recent, ongoing delays the development has experienced, one parent described what has been completed so far as “very impressive.” 

“For what it’s worth, today was a pleasant surprise,” Vance Tiller wrote on The Cottages of Boone Facebook page Sunday night. “Even though my son will be in a hotel for a short while, the experience today was better than expected. The staff went above and beyond to be accommodating and cooperative. I accidentally met the project supervisor, Brian. After speaking to him, it is amazing that they have gotten as far as they have given the obstacles. Yes, we are disappointed, but the completed units and the amenities (clubhouse and pool area) look very impressive.”

For aerial photos of The Cottages of Boone, click here.  

Sunday was move-in day for many students at The Cottages of Boone. Photo by Ken Ketchie


Sunday was move-in day for many students at The Cottages of Boone. Photo by Ken Ketchie


Sunday was move-in day for many students at The Cottages of Boone.


The pool area and the clubhouse has been described as looking “very impressive” by one parent.


Sunday was move-in day for many students at The Cottages of Boone.


Sunday was move-in day for many students at The Cottages of Boone.


While move-in day was Sunday for many tenants, much work is left to be done.