Monday, Aug. 21 marked the first day of classes for students at Watauga County Schools. Across the county, more than 4,600 students attended one of the system’s nine schools – an increase of 200 from the same time last year.
Superintendent Dr. Scott Elliott, continuing his standing tradition, visited each school across the county to welcome students back to class.
“In every classroom I visited this morning, teachers and students are hard at work,” Elliott said. “Whether it’s working on pinhole viewers at Mabel School, or getting over first-day nerves with some ‘Jitter Juice’ at Valle Crucis, it’s just good to be back in the routine of school.”
The first day of classes at Watauga County Schools also coincided with the solar eclipse. Students, teachers and parents across the district were able to view the eclipse with the use of protective glasses and other safe-viewing methods that some classes worked to develop during the school day.
“It’s so exciting to be back at school, and the solar eclipse added to that excitement,” Elliott said. “I’m thankful to all the parents, teachers and students that worked to make today such a memorable event.”
Watauga County Schools will continue to enroll new students. If you are interested in enrolling your child in Watauga County Schools, please call the Margaret E. Gragg Education Center at (828) 264-7190.
For photos of back to school activities at all of our schools across the county, please visit the Watauga County Schools twitter account: @wataugaschools, or check out the hashtag @WeAreWatauga.

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