Outdoor Nation Campus Challenge First Friday at Footsloggers, Free Climbing for Those Registered

Sept. 30, 2014. The Outdoor Nation Campus Challenge is in full swing and Appalachian State University is competing against 9 other universities from across the U.S. in a challenge designed to get as many people outside and active during an eight-week period this fall.

To celebrate and inspire people to be a little more active this First Friday, Oct. 3, from 6  to 9 p.m., there will be free climbing at the Climbing Tower in the Footsloggers courtyard. All you have to do is register on the Outdoor Nation campus challenge website, login, complete your climb, (have fun while doing it) and record your climb to help Appalachian State University compete in the challenge.

There will volunteers from Appalachian State University present, with Ipads to allow for easy registration and documentation of your climb. These volunteers will be able to help answer any questions about the challenge. All equipment and belaying are free for those who register their climb.

In addition to free climbing on the tower, there will be live music, and Acro Yoga demonstrations and workshops in the courtyard. Footsloggers will have the store open late, and will have special lighting including glow stick bracelets for climbers and strobes on the tower promising a fun and inviting atmosphere.

This First Friday, come climb under the stars and lights, and help Appalachian State University get as many people outside for the Outdoor Nation Campus Challenge.

“While the event is billed as a Campus Challenge” states Rich Campbell, Associate Director of Outdoor Programs with Appalachian State University, “anyone can participate who wants to affiliate with Appalachian State. Community members both young and old, alumni, faculty/staff, and of course students can all log their outdoor activities at this event to help Appalachian State University get as many people outside as possible.”

The event is sponsored by Footsloggers, Rock Dimensions, and Appalachian State University. For more info, go to www.footsloggers.com or call 828-262-5111; www.op.appstate.edu or call 828-262-2475; or follow #AppOutdoors for more details.

Special thanks to Rock Dimensions http://www.rockdimensions.com/ (828) 265-3544 for sponsoring this event and for use of the Climbing Tower.