Northwestern Studios proudly presents “Dancing On the Moon: A Dance Revue” and “The Enchanted Island: A Comedic Children’s Ballet.” The performances showcase our talented dancers, May 18-20th. All shows are at Ross Auditorium on the campus of Watauga High School.
“Dancing On the Moon: A Dance Revue” will feature Northwestern Studios’ dancers performing various styles of dance including tap, contemporary, and hip hop. The performance will also feature the award winning performance dance team – The Northwestern Starz.
Showtimes for “Dancing On the Moon: A Dance Revue” are Friday, May 18th at 6:30 pm and Saturday, May 19th at 2:30 pm.
The Enchanted Island is a Northwestern Studios children’s comedic ballet adapted from L’lle Enchantee, a ballet composed by Arthur Sullivan, of Gilbert and Sullivan operetta fame. L’lle Enchantee was originally performed in 1864 at The Royal Opera House in London. The original ballet has been adapted for the young students of Northwestern Studios.
On a beautiful magical island, far away from humankind, Pearls are preparing for a celebration! They decorate and prepare for the arrival of the island’s rulers, the elegant Jewel Fairies: the Ruby Fairy, the Emerald Fairy, and the Sapphire Fairy. But the island’s celebration is interrupted by a surprise storm.
Meanwhile…Adventurous pirates sailing on the high seas searching for their fortune, get lost during the wild, windy storm and are washed up on the shore of the Enchanted Island. Frightened by the seafoam, they run and hide, only to plot to return later.
After the storm, the celebration continues with the Parade of Jewels. The Pearls are told to watch over the island’s prized jewels, but they are tired from the festivities. The Pirates take this opportunity to steal the jewels, and the Pearls wake just in time to catch them! The Pirates beg the Jewel Fairies for forgiveness and return the jewels. Being the good Fairies that they are, they forgive the Pirates and invite them to celebrate with all the island’s inhabitants. Little do the Fairies know, the Pirates plan to steal the jewels again! Will they succeed in absconding with the prized jewels??? Find out all while supporting local dancers! Featured performers are Savannah Troyer as Sapphire Fairy, Virginia Roth as Ruby Fairy, and Carolyn Ward as Emerald Fairy; Bailey Keller and Sarah Grace Shellman as the Pearls; and Nickolas Cutillo, Payton Franklin, Emma Knight, and Garrison Lawrence as the Adventurous and Greedy Pirates . The ballet students of Northwestern Studios round out the lively cast. The Enchanted Island is choreographed and directed by NWS instructor Courtney Cutillo Boccardy with Stacey Trivett.
Showtimes for “The Enchanted Island” are Saturday, May 19th at 6:30 pm and Sunday, May 20th at 2:30 pm.
Tickets to the show are $11 for children and students, $13 for adults and can be purchased online or at the door. For more information visit, email, or call 828-262-3262.