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No Lane Closures Along U.S. 321 Widening Project In Blowing Rock This Weekend Due To ASU Graduation


May 8, 2013. Lane closures will not take place in the U.S. 321 widening project work zone through Blowing Rock this weekend due to the Appalachian State University graduation ceremonies in Boone. All lanes will remain open from noon Friday until Monday, May 13, at 8 a.m.

Blasting recently resumed for the U.S. 321 widening project in Blowing Rock. Photo by Lonnie Webster
Blasting recently resumed for the U.S. 321 widening project in Blowing Rock. Photo by Lonnie Webster

Weekend travelers are advised to drive with caution as the work area now has temporary road markings that may be unfamiliar. The temporary traffic pattern near the Food Lion in Blowing Rock has eliminated the southbound left turn lane on U.S. 321.

The wet weather has slowed down pavement marking operations along the work zone. When the weather cooperates, the pavement marking operations will not cause any lane closures or traffic pattern shifts.

Crews have continued to construct the retaining wall near the Food Lion on Little Springs Road, as well as haul fill to the area across from Rocky Knob Road for the proposed northbound lanes.

Project updates are provided via the N.C. Department of Transportation project website, traditional media and social media. Daily information is provided via Twitter (see @NCDOT_EastMTN and #US321), or call the project hotline at (828) 964-3260 to speak to an NCDOT representative during regular weekday business hours (8 a.m. until 5 p.m.).

For information regarding the contractor operations, call the Maymead Inc. hotline at (423) 727-2011.