New Work by Acclaimed American Artist William Dunlap Featured by The Art Cellar Gallery

On August 13 from 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m., The Art Cellar Gallery in Banner Elk will feature the work of William Dunlap for their “Cocktails and Tall Tales” event.  Dunlap is a former professor of Appalachian State University, and is a well-known acclaimed American Artist. He will be showing his painting, which focus on hypothetical realism and he will be reading a few short excerpts from his recently released book, Short Mean Fiction. The Art Cellar Gallery is ecstatic to have Dunlap join their event, because they know how busy Dunlap’s schedule tends to be.
The Art Cellar Gallery in Banner Elk, NC will be featuring new works by acclaimed American Artist William Dunlap throughout the summer exhibition season. Recently completed works on paper have just been installed in the gallery and range from his large landscapes to smaller works of oil and dry pigment on paper. The gallery also is showing several of the artists hand colored lithographs of Civil War Soldiers jackets and his iconic Walker Hound.
The Art Cellar Gallery is  hosting a special afternoon gathering called “Cocktails and Tall Tales” with William Dunlap on Sunday, August 13th from 2 to 4pm. Dunlap’s stories, artworks and lively conversation will fill the gallery.  Gallery Owner, Pam McKay states that “anytime Bill Dunlap is in the gallery it is a time for celebration, he is always so busy in the studio or traveling for exhibitions, lectures and inspiration; we are thrilled to have him in town. He always fills the room with lively discussion, quick wit, and of course richly engaging artwork.”
This highly honored artist is represented in many of our countries most prestigious museum and corporate collections from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Corcoran Gallery, to IBM and Mobil Corporations  and US Embassies throughout the world. Dunlap has received numerous awards and fellowships including honors from the Rockefeller, Danforth, Lila Wallace & Warhol Foundations, the Mississippi Institute of Art, The Mississippi Governor’s Award and many others. Over his more than forty year career he has been in demand for feature exhibitions in museums and galleries as well as a respected arts commentator and educator.
William Dunlap has strong connections to the High Country from his years teaching at Appalachian State University early in his career. Though he left teaching to focus solely on his art career he has remained strongly tied to our region and many images from across the mountain region appear in his paintings. Dunlap describes his work as hypothetical realism, places and things that may not be real, but could be. He might place a NC barn on an open stretch of road from a drive through Virginia or include signs and mile markers from other travels. All woven with his keen eye for detail, artistic expression of color and visual engagement.
William Dunlap’s paintings capture his personal history, the southern landscape, and much more through his unique style, rich color and distinct perspectives that are common lines through his work.  The Mississippi native is full of Southern Charm, balanced with quick wit and a bold, outspoken nature ready to discuss art, life, and beyond. “Cocktails and Tall Tales”  Sunday event will be an opportunity to talk with the artist surrounded by his most recent works on paper, he will discuss his artwork and will also read a short excerpt or two from his newly released book. The book “Short Mean Fiction”  was inspired by the artists journals and features rich stories of fiction and sketches, and has been called a stunning debut by this multi faceted artist. Everyone is encourage to attend this free gallery event gallery and to come see and speak with the artist, William Dunlap.  
Current exhibition, Life on Canvas, a Retrospective, features the wonderfully imaginative works of artist Noyes Capehart. Noyes was William Dunlap’s graduate professor at the University of Mississippi, (Ole Miss),  they were both professors together at Appalachian State University and of course, close friends. Noyes Capehart’s Life on Canvas, A Retrospective will be showing in the Art Cellar Gallery from August 2 to August 26th.  The Art Cellar Gallery focuses on North Carolina artists while including select artists from across the Southeast, showing work from large scale canvases to smaller works on paper as well as sculpture, glass and clay. A High Country arts destination celebrating 25 seasons, The Art Cellar Gallery is located on Hwy. 184 in Banner Elk and is open Monday through Saturday from 10am to 5pm. For more information contact the gallery online at or by phone 828-898-5175
For more information contact, The Art Cellar Gallery at 828-898-5175 and at