New Clawson/Greene Mega-Complex Planned for August of 2014 near Intersection of 421, 194; Pending Re-Zoning

By Paul T. Choate

Proposed area for the new development. Click to enlarge.

Aug. 2, 2012. Boone could potentially be set to have another new large apartment complex just north of Perkinsville Drive, pending the outcome of a re-zoning request submitted to the Town of Boone on Monday, July 23, 2012. If approved, the complex has an anticipated completion date of August 2014 and would have 266 units containing 546 bedrooms.

Wayne Clawson, Joy Clawson, Dana Clawson and Anna Greene – the owners of approximately 22.38 acres of property (which includes the Clawson Mobile Home Park) located at and near 170 Clawson St., 140 and 141 Marich Lane – are hoping to have areas that are currently RR-3 Multiple Family Residential and MH Manufacture Home Park re-zoned to R-3 Multiple Family. The applicants are also requesting some flexibility to allow an alternate property line for retention of a 2.8-acre parcel for the Greene family to use for private gardening and a picnic area.

If the project goes forward, several improvements will need to be made regarding the traffic situation, as per a Traffic Impact Analysis by Davenport Engineering.

Clawson Street will be widened and a curb and gutter system will be installed as per Town of Boone code. The intersection of Clawson Street and Perkinsville Drive will be improved and speed humps will be installed on Perkinsville Drive. Improvements also include realignment of Clawson Street into Meadow Hill Drive, creating a four-way intersection with a four-way stop. Additionally, sidewalks will be installed on Clawson Street.

Plans for parking at the new complex is up to Town of Boone Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) code, coming in at 495 provided spaces for automobiles, 14 for motorcycles and 114 for bicycles. UDO code required 491 for automobiles, 12 for motorcycles and 80 for bicycles.

As for mass transit, AppalCART is expected to serve the complex pending agreement that the complex owners pay $10 per bedroom per month to fund a new route, according to AppalCART Director Chris Turner. This works out to $5,460 per month. Turner insisted on a similar payment to another mega-complex in the works – the Capstone Collegiate Communities’ Cottages of Boone on Poplar Grove Road South.

The Clawson/Greene complex should be able to tap into the town water system, as almost all of the property is located in town limits and has a small portion on the northern side located in Boone’s extra-territorial jurisdiction.

Assuming the project goes forward, Mega Builders out of Greensboro will be contracted to build the new complex. The project is to be constructed in two phases. However, in the re-zoning request on July 23, the developers stated, “While it is anticipated that Phase 2 of the Project would be completed by August of 2014, it is possible that its start date could be delayed past August 2014.”

Check back with High Country Press after the Aug. 6 quarterly public hearing for new developments on what may become Boone’s newest rental property development.