Do You Need Health Insurance? This Friday Is Your Last Chance To Get Covered For 2018 With The Affordable Care Act

If you are uninsured, visit now to see if you qualify for lower premiums. More than 80% of people get a discount on their premiums, and most can find health insurance for under $75/month. In fact, 4.5 million Americans can find a plan for $0/month. You won’t know if you qualify unless you shop.

Just make sure you do so before the final deadline on December 15th. If you do not get covered now, you may be locked out of health insurance until 2019.

Outside the Open Enrollment period, the only way to buy health insurance from under the ACA is to qualify for special enrollment due to having a child or adopting children, losing health coverage or moving.

To enroll in or change 2018 ACA health insurance policies, consumers may visit

Consumer specialists at the N.C. Department of Insurance are available to answer any questions during ACA Open Enrollment by calling 1-855-408-1212.

ACA Partners of WNC participating organizations give local residents free, unbiased health insurance information and enrollment assistance in the NC Health Insurance Marketplace.

These organizations include: Pisgah Legal Services, Blue Ridge Community Health Services, Council on Aging of Buncombe County, Legal Aid of North Carolina, Mountain Projects, Inc., Sunrise Community, Western Carolina Medical Society and WNC Community Health Services.

In Watauga County, Alex Noriega, a local health insurance marketplace navigator with High Country Community Health, is accepting appointments  during the open enrollment period.

To schedule an appointment please call Alex Noriega at 828-773-7297 or email her at  To see where else you can find local help in Western North Carolina with your health insurance application, click here.