The native plant sale to benefit Daniel Boone Native Gardens will be held this coming Saturday, May 23rd from 8am to noon. The sale will take place at the Gardens. Please notice that Mark donated 32 oconee bells, which normally sell for between $36-$45. Some of the plants have less than 100% donation because of requirements at ASU. The bulk of the Venus flytrap donation is going to support Fairy Day at the Gardens. Happy shopping! Checks or cash only.
DBNG plant sale 5-23-20.
List of plants for sale, compiled by Bob
Qty Common Name Botanical Name Size Sale Price Donation Plant Donor
32 Oconee bells Shortia galacifolia 1.5″ pots $10.00 100% Mark Rose
30 button bush Cephalanthus occidentalis 2.5 quart $6.00 100% Annkatrin Rose
6 beautyberry Callicarpa americana 2.5 quart $6.00 100% Annkatrin Rose
6 wild rose Rosa carolina 2.5 quart $6.00 100% Annkatrin Rose
11 sneezeweed Helenium autumnale 2.5 quart $6.00 80% ASU Greenhouse
8 hoary mountainmint Pycnanthemum incanum 2.5 quart $6.00 80% ASU Greenhouse
1 foamflower Tiarella cordifolia 2.5 quart $6.00 80% ASU Greenhouse
6 smooth oxeye Heliopsis helianthoides 2.5 quart $6.00 80% ASU Greenhouse
6 Sweet Coneflower Rudbeckia subtomentosa 2.5 quart $6.00 80% ASU Greenhouse
4 wild bergamot Monarda fistulosa 2.5 quart $6.00 80% ASU Greenhouse
3 wild columbine Aquilegia canadensis 2.5 quart $6.00 80% ASU Greenhouse
1 black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 2.5 quart $6.00 80% ASU Greenhouse
10 obedient plant Physotegia virginiana 2.5 quart $6.00 100% Annkatrin Rose
50 foxglove beardtongue Penstemon digitalis 2.5 quart $6.00 100% Annkatrin Rose
20 smalls beardtongue Penstemon smallii 2.5 quart $6.00 100% Annkatrin Rose
10 Venus flytrap Dionaea muscipula small $5.00 20% Annkatrin Rose
10 Venus flytrap Dionaea muscipula medium $10.00 20% Annkatrin Rose
10 Venus flytrap Dionaea muscipula large $15.00 20% Annkatrin Rose
24 ostrich fern Matteuccia struthiopteris gallon $6.00 100% Bob & Katherine
16 little bluestem Schizachyrium ‘Prairie Blues’ deep plug $3.00 50% Bob & Katherine
20 Pennsylvania sedge Carex pennsylvanica deep plug $3.00 50% Bob & Katherine
20 seersucker sedge Carex plantaginea deep plug $3.00 50% Bob & Katherine
12 Catlin sedge Carex texensis deep plug $3.00 50% Bob & Katherine