Compiled by Jesse Wood
Local developer Phil Templeton withdraws his $19 million bid for the old Watauga High School property, which is owned by Watauga County but is located in the Town of Boone. Templeton claimed that the purchase wasn’t a viable project due to previous and new town regulations. The property is still on the market.
More torrential rains hit the High Country. The Watauga River near Sugar Grove crested nearly 13 feet, doubling the flood-stage level, and a dozen roads were closed after a weekend of rain. The rain didn’t let up for months to come. See Lynn Willis’ photos of the Linville Gorge during the flood here.
Hound Ears Club blocks access along the Watauga River by placing boulders in the pull-off area along Old Shulls Mill Road. Hound Ears officials said the move was in response to the sheer number of vehicles creating a safety hazard. Others were outraged that the hotspot for college kids and fishermen had been essentially closed off to the public.
Who owns Pride Drive? That is what this article sought. Known for its huge potholes that exist today, Pride Drive has long been a source of contention for motorists in Boone. Pride Drive is located near KFC and K-Mart.
A Sugar Grove man picks the wrong guy to rob in May. Keith Bell, a former investigator with the federal government, came home to find a man stealing his trailer – a move the robber surely regretted.
Blockbuster in Boone closes. The property was put on the market towards the end of winter and closed at the end of May. The property has since been purchased for an IHOP
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