Parents and community members are invited to join an open conversation around children, families, and public education on Thursday, March 10 at the American Legion Hall, 333 Wallingford Street in Blowing Rock.
The informal parents’ meeting will be hosted by Jennie Hanafin, candidate for the Watauga County Board of Education, who hopes to help families across the High Country better understand their rights as citizens. Jennie looks forward to supporting local parents in taking a more active role in their children’s education.
“We live in an open and free democracy where public education is paid for as it is a priority in our nation,” she said. “Parents have a voice. They have a say. It’s their tax dollars, and their primary input is needed and welcomed.”
Jennie homeschooled and raised her own four children in grades 3rd-12th and is a former high school director.
“My family and I hold a robust belief that parents know their children, that each child has their own exceptional gifts, and each should be taught accordingly,” she said. “Regardless of where a parent chooses for their child to learn, one thing remains the same—each one of us belongs to this community, and these precious children of ours are looking to us to teach them the fundamentals they need to flourish in life.”
The meeting will take place from 6-7:30 p.m. on Thursday. To learn more about this meeting and others like it, connect with Jennie at