Mast General Store Receives United Way Spirit of North Carolina Award in Pinehurst on February 13

Picture from the Board meeting are, front row-left to right; Faye Cooper, John Cooper, and Johnny Carson (Chairman of the HCUW Board), second row; Nancy Reigel, Kate Gavenus, Jennie Stultz, Susan Poorman, Amanda White, Terri Lockwood, third row; Ed Miller, Fred Pfohl, Scott Elliott, Allen Mosley, Mark Taggart, Diane Creek, and Gary Childers (Executive Director).

High Country United Way Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Mast General Store has been presented with the 2018 Spirit of North Carolina Award for mid-sized retail businesses. On a yearly basis, during its annual conference, United Way of North Carolina recognizes organizations who have succeeded in raising funds to support their community and have dedicated themselves to being part of the long-term solution to build stronger communities. Judges from across North Carolina reviewed more than 50 applications to select winners who were honored in Pinehurst at the Spirit of North Carolina Award Lunch on February 13.

Beyond the traditional fundraising campaign, the leaders of these organizations created opportunities to educate employees on community needs, set personal examples of giving, motivated campaign participants to give by exposing them to real stories of need, and provided volunteer opportunities so that donors could offer their knowledge and hands to serve their community.

Faye and John Cooper being recognized at HCUW’s February Board of Directors meeting.

“The Spirit of North Carolina Award recognizes the collaborative partnerships High Country United Way builds with its supporters,” said HCUW Executive Director, Gary Childers. “We are honored to have Mast General Store’s owners and employees as key stakeholders in our mission of improving lives in the High Country and extremely pleased they were selected as a Spirt of North Carolina Award winner!”

Mast General Store was recognized for many reasons. The Cooper family; Lisa, Faye, and John have a long-standing reputation, and tradition, of helping meet needs and improve the community! They approved Mast General Store’s United Way employee campaign many years ago which has resulted in thousands of dollars annually being donated to support human services programs across the High Country! Lisa Cooper states the benefits her organization derives from being involved in serving the community concisely and eloquently. “Giving, whether through the High Country United Way or directly to an organization, fulfills one of the Mast Store’s core beliefs – that a general store be involved in its community. The High Country community has been so good to us, it is only right that we give back to support others.” The Mast General Store’s employees and the Coopers have helped improve many lives in the High Country through their HCUW campaign and all are deeply deserving of this recognition!

Winners were determined by a panel of 24 judges from United Way organizations across the state. For more information about the Spirit of North Carolina Award and a complete list of winners, visit


About High Country United Way

High Country United Way’s mission is to “Unite people and resources to improve lives in the High Country”. For more information, contact Directors Gary Childers or Marti Phillips at or 828-265-2111.

About the Spirit of North Carolina Award

The Spirit of North Carolina Award offers United Ways in NC communities an opportunity to honor organizations whose United Way campaigns exemplify the “spirit” of their community. Winners meet specific standards of achievement and are selected by a team of United Way leaders from across the state. United Way of North Carolina leads the award nomination and judging process and presents the award annually. For more information, contact Anita Barker, Director of Education and Engagement, at 919-834-5200 or