Longtime Local Media Representative Sherrie Norris Joins High Country Caregiver Foundation

Executive director of the High Country Caregiver Foundation Brenda Reece has announced that longtime media representative Sherrie Norris has joined the HCCGF as RAPP coordinator and program assistant.

RAPP, Relatives as Parents Program, is one of several services offered through the HCCGF, which operates in partnership with the Area Agency on Aging/High Country Council of Governments.

The HCCF is a nonprofit organization passionate about helping family and kinship caregivers in the seven-county region served by the COG, which includes Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Watauga, Wilkes and Yancey.

“We believe that when caregivers use our support system, they are better able to preserve quality in their own lives and enhance overall family life,” said Reece. “HCCF puts primary emphasis on organizing community support and involvement in its programming, and regards partnering as a key to its success. We realize the importance of collaborating with other agencies and organizations to better serve our community.”

Sherrie Norris

With Norris’ extensive community involvement and long-term relationship with countless individuals and organizations, Reece sees her at “the perfect fit for our programs.”

“Few people have the depth of community knowledge and passion for others as does Sherrie Norris,” said Reece. “We recognize her strengths and abilities and are delighted that she has agreed to join us as we work to expand RAPP and build upon our existing programs.”

Norris is perhaps best known as longtime editor of All About Women magazine and as the Faith, Life and Food editor for the Watauga Democrat, as well as a contributor to other publications within the Boone-based Mountain Times Publications. Norris has extensive experience working with families and nonprofit agencies, Reece said. “Sherrie also served on our HCCGF Board of Directors for two terms and has a good insight into what we do and hope to do in the future. We know that she will be a great asset to our organization.”

Norris will lead the current RAPP program, which includes the Avery-Watauga county support group, and will be organizing a new program to include families in Mitchell and Yancey counties. She will also assist in various components of the overall foundation, including fundraising and public relations.

“I feel blessed to have been asked to join this worthwhile organization,” Norris said. “It is my desire to continue to bring attention and support to those who need a hand in some of life’s most challenging situations. After taking a brief break from my writing career, I am ready to move forward with a fresh focus, but one that still allows me to continue serving the community. I am grateful for this opportunity to serve in this capacity and for the confidence placed in me by Brenda Reece and the agency, as a whole. However, it’s not something I can do alone. To ensure the ongoing success of these programs, I will be calling on my friends and associates in the future to assist us with special events and fundraising. I know the heart of the High Country community is filled with compassion for others and I’m so happy to continue working in its midst.”

A Crossnore native, Norris resides in Boone with her husband, Van Norris; their son, Garrett, his wife, Sara and son Noah live in Deep Gap.

For more information on RAPP or any other services of the High Country Caregiver Foundation, visit www.hccgf.org, call 828-265-5434, ext. 128 or email snorris@regiond.org.