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Lickety-Split Wins the 35th Annual Woolly Worm Festival, Forecasts a Cold and Snowy 2012-13 Winter

 By Jesse Wood

Photo by Jim Morton

Oct. 22, 2012. Lickety-Split, owned by Tammy Watson of Belmont, was victorious during the 35th Woolly Worm Festival in Banner Elk last Saturday. After examining Lickety-Split’s colors and stripes, forecaster Tommy Burleson proclaimed the following official weather prediction for the 2012-13 winter in the High Country.  

Beginning on December 22, winter will open with 4 weeks of snowy, cold weather.

Week 5 of winter will feature light snow and cool temperatures.

Weeks 6 through 11 will bring normal temperatures.

Week 12 will be unusual, with an ice storm possible.

The final week of winter, week 13, will be cold and snowy.