Dear Editor,
I was at Food Lion in Blowing Rock on Sunday March 29 and parked beside a car, where three young people, in their twenties, were talking. As I got out of my car I heard them laughing and mocking people that are so scared of a cough or a sneeze. They were having a good time mimicking them and were very dramatic about it, with much hilarity. I said to them “when you get to be my age, that is not funny anymore.” I should have said, that is not funny at ANY age. They gave quick apologies and we all proceeded to go into the store. Upon exiting, I noticed that there was a Connecticut license plate on their car. That upset me even more. How dare they come to our community from an area that has been hit so hard, and then make fun of those of us who are trying to be responsible? Please, EVERYONE, young and old, take this horrible disease seriously!
Josephine Beall
Blowing Rock, N.C.