To the editor:
I want to express my appreciation to all of the N.C. Department of Transportation employees who worked long, tiring hours to make the roadways safe for the traveling public during the first snowstorm of 2017. They did a tremendous job under extreme conditions, including harsh temperatures that made the job more difficult than usual.
Crews from Division 11 — Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Caldwell, Surry, Watauga, Wilkes and Yadkin counties — worked around the clock for days. They placed more than 5,900 tons of salt on roads to help ice melt, and roughly 2,500 tons of a salt-sand mixture to assist with vehicle traction.
Some efforts were hampered when temperatures were in the single digits. Our crews never wavered in the clearing of interstates, primary roads and secondary roads to make them safe for travel.
The experience our crews have gained over the years from having snow in the area is invaluable. They willingly endure cold temperatures and low visibility to treat and clear the roads so they are safe for motorists.
I also appreciate how supportive the public has been of our efforts. Governor Roy Cooper stressed the importance of staying off the roads during the storm. Avoiding unnecessary travel in winter weather helps our workers clear the roads and keeps everybody safe.
Mike Pettyjohn P.E.,
Division 11 Engineer