Nov. 14, 2014. Thanks to everyone who helped us on Election Day and during our one-stop period. Our computers (thanks IT) and counters worked. Machines were delivered timely and snow was removed, ice salt put out and bees were killed (thanks Robert and guys in maintenance).
Our poll workers sacrificed meals and breaks to assist voters.
Because of all these people working together, voters were able to vote at a safe, clean and harassment-free place. Voters were provided with a private place to mark their ballots. When they left there were no soldiers outside guarding the place.
DEMOCRACY is alive and well. I’m proud of the process.
I’m proud but yet disappointed that more people didn’t take advantage of this process.
Voting is important. The choices that we made will determine the future of our county, state and nation. I love my three grandchildren so much and I want them to get the education and pursue the best employment opportunities. I want them to grow up in a clean and safe environment, so I will vote and elect people who will make decisions that will affect me and my grandchildren in the years to come.
Election Day was a wonderful day and what a great thing it was to see people participating. Sure it would have been nice to see more ballots used and long lines. If it could look more like Walmart on Black Friday…wow.
Thank you to our board members for their commitment and leadership.
Thanks again to our poll workers, one-stop workers, maintenance, IT, and to the press for keeping everyone informed about important dates, but I especially want to say THANK YOU to my staff – Larry, Donna and Kathy. You are the best.
And to the poll worker who was stung by the wasps who came to vote, sorry and hope you are feeling better.
Jane Ann Hodges, director of the Watauga County Board of Elections