LETTERS / Speedway Neighbors Launch Anti-Noise Program: ‘Save Our Ears!’

Today, Watauga Citizens for Local Control announced they are providing free earplugs to residents needing protection from excessive noise from the Mountain View Speedway.  The program is a stop-gap solution designed to protect residents from the negative health impacts created by noise levels above 70 decibels.  The free earplugs will be distributed by residents in the affected areas.  Earplugs may also be requested by emailing WC4LC at peaceintheneighborhood@gmail.com. Supplies are limited so request them early!

Jette Terpner a representative of the group, said, “Since the illegal, intense noise from the track continues, we will be providing earplugs free of charge.  We are expecting an overwhelming demand.” Homeowners are upset that the recent decision by the Boone Board of Adjustment is being flouted by the speedway operators.  Barry Greenblatt, a member of WC4LC added, “We won the argument, but the track is refusing to acknowledge the town’s ruling.”

Town attorney Alisson Meade served the Mountain View Speedway with a cease-and-deist order on April 11 directing the business to cease operations.  The town’s board of adjustment on April 18 voted to dismiss an appeal brought by Watauga Citizens for Local Control, as moot since the track never applied for the necessary permit and was therefore operating illegally.

Renowned acoustic expert Dr. Noral Stewart, of Stewart Acoustics, testified during the hearing before the BOA, that prolonged exposure to decibel levels exceeding 70 can have negative physical effects on the body.  He also stated that the track was the predominate noise heard in neighboring communities during the track’s operation.

The World Health Organization released a study which stated that, noise pollution may cause or contribute to the following adverse effects: anxiety, stress, nervousness, nausea, headache, emotional instability, argumentativeness, changes in mood, increase in social conflicts, neurosis, hysteria, and psychosis.  Hypertension, cardio-vascular disease and tinnitus are also associated with exposure to decibel levels above 80.

Watauga Citizens for Local Control is a grassroots organization, funded entirely on donations.  We ask the public to continue to be as generous in your financial support as you have been in the past year.  Contributions may be made directly to WC4LC, PO Box 3411, Boone, NC 28607.  Contributions can also be made directly to Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League’s website at www.bredle.org.   “Social justice and protection of our environment is a worthwhile fight, but not an inexpensive one,” said Cathy Wrenn, a local homeowner.  We thank you for your continued support!

Watauga Citizens for Local Control

Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League