LETTERS / Property Deal Between ASU, County Offers Ideal Site for New Recreation Center

Dear Editor,

The sale of the old Watauga High School site to ASU gives the county a critical piece of real estate along State Farm Road that will serve as an ideal setting for a new recreation center.  That site is located centrally in the county, connected to existing infrastructure, and positioned within the “wellness district” near the new Beaver Health Sciences building and the hospital.  This will allow as many of our local residents as possible to benefit from this facility. 

At the State Farm location, the county could construct an indoor recreation center that would replace the old Swim Complex with new pools and would provide multipurpose court space, an indoor walking track and other needed indoor recreation facilities.  We are currently the only county in NC our size without some sort of community recreation center.  
When ASU thrives, the county benefits.  When the county succeeds, ASU is stronger.  This deal allows both the county and ASU to move in to the future in a healthier and more sustainable way.
Scott St. Clair
High Country Recreation President