Dear Watauga County and Blowing Rock Town Commissioners
We need the restrooms open. We also need open minds and hearts. This is an unprecedented time of struggle. Many are afraid of getting sick and or seeing their businesses die.
You have no idea how many people we have turned away and had to explain to them that our commissioners, town and county are not allowing visitors to stay overnight. They do not understand why we are not on the same schedule as a lot of counties and our state.
As to second home owners, I believe I would be upset if I could not go to a home that I own and pay taxes on. If not for their generosity and love for our community a number of our outreach programs would be lacking. These are not dumb people, they do not want to get sick either.
We cannot live like this:
The parkway is opening and many people will be arriving, how will we greet them. There are rules to follow and we should adhere to them, but not to the point of foolishness.
If you had a grandchild or child at the park where would you want them go to the bathroom when nature called, in a clean restroom where they could wash their hands or in the bushes.
I realize we are trying to do what is better for the greater good, but we have to have an open mind. These actions will not let a community survive. A number of us have kept our staff working even without having any income. I believe you could find the right staff to clean the restrooms with the right hygiene protocol.
Please open your hearts and minds.
Thank you for listening.
Deborah McDowell
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