LETTERS / Appeal of Maymead’s Asphalt Plant in Deep Gap To Superior Court Needed

Dear Editor and County Commissioners,

It is time to stand up for Watauga County and appeal the BOA’s rash decision to override Joe Furman’s decision to revoke the Hampton/Maymead Asphalt permit on the outer edge of Boone.  It is unbelievable that 5 citizens were given the power over such a sensitive issue.    This case needs to be appealed to the Watauga superior court. It appears there was evidence that was overlooked that would have supported Mr. Furman’s decision.  It’s inappropriate for there to be hometown cooking going on in 2016. You as county commissioners have a lot of work ahead of you.  This should not have happened again.  It is time to put  the “P  for the people” back into politics.

With Regards,

Laura Clemens