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LETTERS / From The Blowing Rock Town Council

Dear Friends and Neighbors of Blowing Rock,  

The Blowing Rock Town Council wants the citizens, business owners, and visitors to know they  have a VOICE in Blowing Rock. We, as Town Council Members are always ready, willing, and able to work  with all citizens, business owners, and visitors in the Town. We, as Town Council Members, are public  servants always open to conversations and dialogue with regards to Town related issues, and we value  working with you to make the Town of Blowing Rock better. We, as Town Council Members, want the  citizens, business owners, and visitors to know that you do not need to join a paid membership  organization to have a VOICE, as was recently suggested in a mailing by the Blowing Rock Civic  Association. We are open, willing, and available anytime to work with you. We continue to improve  communication and strive to make you aware of happenings in the Town. Recently the Town has  created a bi-weekly newsletter that contains information of the ongoings in town and highlights  upcoming events, and we encourage you to sign up for it. It is distributed every other Friday at 6pm. If  you are on social media, please consider liking our Facebook account as well. Listed below are links for  the newsletter and social media, as well our email addresses and contact information. Please consider  reaching out if we can serve you in any way.  

In closing, we, the Town Council of Blowing Rock, would like to say thank you for choosing the  Town of Blowing Rock to live, work, and visit. We cherish your decision to make this your home, a place  to work, and a place to visit and look forward to serving you.  

With gratitude, The Blowing Rock Town Council  

Mayor Charlie Sellers (csellers@tobr.us)

Mayor Pro-Tem Doug Matheson (dmatheson@tobr.us)

Council Member Albert Yount (ayount@tobr.us)

Council Member David Harwood (dharwood@tobr.us)

Council Member Melissa Pickett (mpickett@tobr.us)

Council Member Pete Gherini (pgherini@tobr.us)

