LETTERS / Kiwanis Club of Banner Elk Applauds All Avery Schools Employees

Dear Editor,

The Kiwanis Club of Banner Elk has been a longtime supporter of educational initiatives within the Avery County Schools.  Over the last decade, over $250,000 has purchased Reading Is Fundamental books for pre-school and elementary students, plus funding for hundreds of classroom projects.  Kiwanians recognize that these efforts with private dollars provide only small encouragement to school personnel who must constantly weigh/balance public dollars and student needs.

The Kiwanis Club of Banner Elk wishes to applaud ALL employees of the Avery County Schools for their tireless and heroic efforts.  It is significant that the Avery County Schools currently rank first in the State of North Carolina with a graduation rate of 95.8%.  It is significant that our Dr. David Burleson was named 2016 Superintendent of the Year by the NC High School Athletic Association.  It is significant that our county’s schools have the lowest rate of teacher attrition in the state.

Putting all these positive pieces together, the Kiwanis Club of Banner Elk joins June Atkinson, North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction when she says, “I consider Avery County to be one of the best school districts in North Carolina.” 

While credit and praise for such accomplishments justly is lavished on all associated with the Avery County Schools–Board of Education members, administrators, faculty, staff, support personnel, volunteers, parents and students–recognition of operational leadership is squarely on the shoulders of David Burleson.  As he closes off his noteworthy educational career at the end of this school year, the Kiwanis Club of Banner Elk commends his leadership for the past six years.  “Godspeed David, we wish you only the best!”

Brian Raymond, President