May 1, 2014.
Dear Editor and Citizens of Watauga County,
This is a very important election as every election should be. I decided to run for county commissioner this election cycle some time ago. We are facing issues that haven’t been resolved for quite some time. I feel strongly that after living here and helping run my family’s business that I have learned what works in our community as well as what does not.
At no time have I personally seen our county so divided. I know that I don’t have all the answers as no one does, but my promise to everyone that is a Watauga County Citizens is to “listen”. Many times we have all witnessed a serious breakdown in communication that has led to nothing being accomplished or discussed.
If elected as your representative I will always make myself available to everyone, because a local commissioner is supposed to serve the whole county. I do not belong to any special groups, clubs or sit on any committees. My goal as a fellow resident and taxpayer is to carefully use “our” county tax dollars to benefit the most people possible. This needs to be done in a thoughtful and efficient manner, yet not drag on year in and year out because that benefits no one.
Together we can make a difference for the future of our residents, guest and business owners. All three of these groups make a strong community and are part of our local economy. I would like to bring ideas and concerns from every aspect of Watauga County to be heard so we can move forward as well as preserve this great place we all call home.
I ask for your vote on or before May 6th and again in November, so together we can make a difference.
Matt Klutz
Candidate for Watauga County Commissioner