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LETTERS / Diane Cornett Deal, Watauga County Clerk of Superior Court, Announces Her Retirement at End of May

Dear Watauga County,

I have had the honor and privilege of serving the people of North Carolina and the citizens of Watauga County first as an Assistant Clerk for 30 years and then as Clerk of Superior Court for the past 10 years.  These 40 plus years have flown by and there are no words to say how much I have enjoyed working with each of you through these many years.

I now find myself at a place in my life where I need to begin a new chapter; therefore, I am announcing that I will be retiring at the end of May 2021.  As I near this retirement date, I want to express my appreciation to all the people (way too many to name) who have been so supportive of me through the years.  

The Courts have gone through many changes during my years in the office.  I love saying that I have seen us advance from typing calendars on manual typewrites and making copies on hand cranked mimeograph machines to using modern day technology.  I must say these were all changes for the better.  

And on that note, I have asked our Resident Superior Court Judge to appoint someone from my staff to complete my term of office.  The North Carolina Courts are getting ready to go through some major changes over the next few months and years; therefore, it is important to have continuity of experience in the office to insure a smooth transition into a new and hopefully easier way for our people to have access to justice.

Thank you, Watauga County, for allowing me to serve as your Clerk.  And a huge thank you to all the Assistant and Deputy Clerks who have worked beside me not only during the past 10 years but also during my years as an Assistant Clerk, first to the Honorable John T. Bingham who hired me in 1979 and then to the Honorable Glenn Hodges who came into office in 1992.  

And thank you to all the Judges, Attorneys, District Attorneys, Sheriffs, Highway Patrol, Chiefs of Police, County Department Heads, and all their staff for their support and friendship.  I have truly enjoyed working with each of you and will miss you.

I would also like to say a big thank you to all my family and friends.   You have been so supportive and have stood beside me through it all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

As I say goodbye to this chapter in my life, know that you will always be near and dear to my heart.  I will forever treasure the years of serving the people of Watauga County.


Diane Cornett Deal

Clerk of Superior Court

Watauga County