Dear Editor:
The Blowing Rock Civic Association is grateful to North Carolina Department of Transportation Chief Engineer Mike Holder, High Country NCDOT Transportation Board Member Jim Palermo, and High Country NCDOT Division Engineer Mike Pettyjohn and their associates for speeding up completion of the Highway 321 widening project in Blowing Rock in response to a BRCA Community Meeting with them on June 30, 2015. We were particularly pleased to see traffic moving on four lanes through most of Blowing Rock by July 4th.
At the BRCA Community Meeting on June 30th of last year, a commitment was made by Holder, Palermo, and Pettyjohn to speed up completion of this vitally important project and to have four lanes open and running through Blowing Rock by July 4th of this year. The hope was to have this project completed from the Tanger Factory Outlet Center to Green Hill Road by July 4th. The very important section from Norwood Circle to Green Hill Road remains unfinished, but the pace of activity to complete it has been accelerated substantially.
It is obvious that the NCDOT made extraordinary efforts to finish this project during the past year. A lot of excellent work has been done on this project. We particularly appreciate the effective personal efforts of Jim Palermo and Mike Pettyjohn to expedite completion of this project as an attractive addition to the beauty of our unique area. We are confident that they will keep the press on to finish this key highway for the High Country.
On Wednesday July 20, 2016, at 2:00 P.M. the BRCA will sponsor another Community Meeting with the NCDOT at the American Legion Building at 333 Wallingford Road in downtown Blowing Rock. We urge all Blowing Rock citizens to attend this meeting for an update on project completion.
Please visit the BRCA website at and join our citizens group devoted to preserving, protecting and enhancing our great town.
George Wilcox,
Blowing Rock Civic Association