Paid administrative leave update:
UNC System Interim President Roper has authorized paid administrative leave for university employees, including temporary and student employees, for certain COVID-19-related absences, effective March 16 – March 31.
Under this authorization, regular, temporary and student employees are eligible to receive paid administrative leave under any of the following conditions:
- They are not directed to report to work on campus, they cannot telework because their job duties cannot be performed remotely, and there is no reasonable alternate telework available.
- They cannot work because they have childcare or eldercare needs due to COVID-19-related school, childcare, eldercare or other facility closures.
- They are sick specifically with symptoms of a cold, flu or COVID-19, or are caring for someone with these specific symptoms.
Regular university employees paid on a monthly payroll who miss work time for any of these reasons, between March 16 – March 31, will code the missed time as “Emergency Leave” using their regular payroll time/leave reporting processes.
Student employees and non-student temporary employees who meet any of the criteria will be paid administrative leave based on their average hours worked per week during the month of February 2020. The Office of Human Resources and the University Payroll Department are developing procedures for this and will communicate updates as quickly as we are able.
Note to managers: When determining adjustments to departmental staffing levels due to reductions in campus activity, please remember to give special consideration to employees who are determined to be at high risk for COVID-19 infection and those who are caregivers for someone who is at high risk (See this page for guidelines).
See the Office of Human Resources COVID-19 Resources website for additional information. You can also submit any questions you may have using the online form on the site.
Hours of operation update:
Beginning Monday, March 23, all courses will move to alternative delivery methods, with all Academic Affairs units remaining operational.
Departments on campus are making modifications in order to remain open for business while adjusting business hours and processes to align with UNC System guidelines and to encourage social distancing. These areas must work with their Communication Liaisons to post adjusted schedules and processes on their individual websites. Find your Communication Liaison here.
Parking update:
Effective immediately: students, faculty and staff with valid parking permits may park in any surface lot on campus. Please continue to be alert for loading zones, reserved spaces and ADA parking. These areas are still restricted, and as always, it is important to keep emergency lanes open. Visitor parking is available in the Rivers Street Deck. Students and families that need to park close to residence halls for loading and unloading will be directed by Parking and Transportation staff. Please do not leave cars unattended while loading.
Other unit/area updates:
Please check the university’s COVID-19 website for the latest updates from individual units on campus.
We recognize there are still unanswered questions and will continue to update the COVID-19 website and provide additional information as it becomes available.