Latest School Performance Data Includes Record Graduation Rate at WHS


Editor’s Note: This post was initially published in the fall 2016 edition of The Learning Leader, Watauga County School’s newsletter. 

Recent data from the State Board of Education show that the graduation rate at Watauga High School reached a record high of 90.8 percent in 2016 and that Watauga County Schools students continue to exceed statewide averages on nearly every assessment measure used in NC.

For K-8 schools, the state requires End-of-Grade (EOG) tests in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8, science tests in grades 5 and 8, and a Math I End-of-Course (EOC) test for students that take Math I in middle school. For high school students, the required exams include EOC tests in English II, Biology, and Math I; the ACT for all 11th graders; and WorkKeys exams for students with a concentration in career and technical education.

wcssProficiency on the tests is measured by whether students demonstrate the skills and knowledge expected for their grade level and/or for a given subject. Growth is measured by whether students’ academic progress during the year met, exceeded, or did not meet expectations. Six of nine schools in WCS met or exceeded the state’s growth standards. A comparison of local and statewide proficiency results is shown on page 3 of this newsletter.

The data provided by the state includes School Performance Grades, which are A-F letter grades based 80% on student proficiency and 20% on students’ academic growth. The grades are calculated using the results of EOG and EOC tests, the graduation rate, the percentage of 11th grade students who score 17 or above on the ACT (the UNC system’s minimum composite score requirement), WorkKeys results, and the percentage of graduates that complete Math III or a higher level math course.

A link to school performance data for all NC schools is available on the district website.

The annual School Report Cards, which provide a summary of data for each school in a single document, are scheduled to be released by the state October 18th. They will be posted on school websites soon after that date and a printed copy will be available on request from school offices.