Large Animal Mobile Vet Service in WNC Overwhelmed by Support To Help Evacuate Animals

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Whiskey River Large Animal Mobile Vet Service owner Brittany Beil posted a request for help on a Western North Carolina media’s Facebook page requesting help related to the evacuation of large animals due to the ongoing wildfires in the region. 

Beil was putting together a list of people with trucks, trails, land and stalls to help move and house large animals during this crisis. Since that post, the business has been overwhelmed with the response to the community. 

A staff member on Tuesday noted that the Facebook page was taken down because of the response but didn’t realize a screenshot of that post went viral on the internet after the fact. Over the past couple days, Franklin-based Whiskey River Large Animal Mobile Vet Service has received 200 phone calls a day during normal business hours. 

“We’ve actually had more help then we need,” a staff member said. “But we thank you for calling.” 

Whiskey River Large Animal Mobile Vet Service recently noted that “Macon County Agriculture Extension office is spear-heading the livestock evacuations and has a plan in place with a full list of volunteers now. God bless everyone involved!”

“Please call the Ag office at 828-349-2046 if you need help moving your animals, and they will help coordinate for you!” the latest Facebook post reads. “If you are a current client of WRLA, you may still call the office for help or assistance. Our volunteer list is full now, thank you all so very much!! We will make a second call for volunteers if we need it! Please allow phone lines to stay open for those that need help!”

While the High Country inundated with smoke, thousands of acres are burning in other parts of Western North Carolina, and firefighters are doing their best to contain and fight the fires.