Kiwanis Club of Banner Elk Shares Their Terrific Kids Pictures from Newland Elementary and Freedom Trail Elementary

The Kiwanis Club of Banner Elk would like to recognize September’s group of Terrific Kids from Newland Elementary and Freedom Trail Elementary. 

The students from Newland Elementary are: Back Row (left to right): Ollie Blevins (3rd), Henry Ferrell (4th), Herlindo Barajas (5th), Trenten Brown (4th), Ivan Magallan (5th), Jaime Leon-Pahuamba (3rd), Adalyn Dellinger (1st). Front Row (left to right): Jasper Blake (K), Aron Robles Jimenez (1st), Maggie Carver (PreK), Brandon Enriquez (2nd). Not Pictured: Hayes Patience (5th).

The students from Freedom Trail Elementary are: Back Row Left to Right: Jace Townsend, Amelia Grindstaff, Katie Lewis, Liliana Osorio, Jose Velazquez. Middle Row Left to Right: Sadie Franklin, Lindy Manis, Camryn Jarrett. Front Row Left to Right: Brynn Benfield, Walter Franklin, Darla Smith.