The Kiwanis Club of Banner Elk would like to recognize September’s group of Terrific Kids from Newland Elementary and Freedom Trail Elementary.
The students from Newland Elementary are: Back Row (left to right): Ollie Blevins (3rd), Henry Ferrell (4th), Herlindo Barajas (5th), Trenten Brown (4th), Ivan Magallan (5th), Jaime Leon-Pahuamba (3rd), Adalyn Dellinger (1st). Front Row (left to right): Jasper Blake (K), Aron Robles Jimenez (1st), Maggie Carver (PreK), Brandon Enriquez (2nd). Not Pictured: Hayes Patience (5th).
The students from Freedom Trail Elementary are: Back Row Left to Right: Jace Townsend, Amelia Grindstaff, Katie Lewis, Liliana Osorio, Jose Velazquez. Middle Row Left to Right: Sadie Franklin, Lindy Manis, Camryn Jarrett. Front Row Left to Right: Brynn Benfield, Walter Franklin, Darla Smith.
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