Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans Service Returns at Banner Elk Presbyterian Church

BANNER ELK, NC – The community is invited to the 19th Annual Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans worship service at Banner Elk Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 25, at 11 a.m. “Kirk” is Scottish for church. On this day, the congregation celebrates the church’s Scottish heritage by participating in this Scottish-American tradition. This blessing of the tartans honor both local and church heritage since it was the Scots who brought the Presbyterian Church to America.

At the beginning of worship, the bagpiper begins the processional with “Highland Cathedral” as the beadle delivers the Bible to the front of the sanctuary. The color guard delivers the US flag and the flag of St. Andrews. Next, dozens of tartan bearers of many Scottish clans unfurl their banners and process down the aisles as the piper continues. At the end of the service, bearers receive the official Blessing O’ The Tartans and recess from the church.

For anyone interested in carrying a tartan banner, call the church office at 828-898-5406 with your contact information and tartan name. The church has access to many tartans, if needed. Participants should arrive at the church by 10:30 a.m. 

Banner Elk Presbyterian Church is located at 420 College Drive, adjacent to Lees-McRae College. For more information, go to