Jones House patrons will be picking and grinning this summer, as the Town of Boone’s Cultural Resources Department hosts June Jamboree, July Music Lessons, and the weekly Thursday Night Old-time Jam.
The Jones House Cultural and Community Center will turn into a musical hub for downtown Boone on Thursdays this summer. Every Thursday in June will feature June Jamborees, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. These jam sessions are billed as “slow jams” or entry-level jam sessions.
“Each room will focus on a particular genre or style of music with expert local musicians leading the jam,” says Cultural Resources Coordinator, Mark Freed. “This is a great way for people to come learn how to participate in a jam, meet some new musical friends, and learn some new songs and tunes.”
Each week, one room will be dedicated to old-time fiddle tunes, one room for folk songs, and one room for acoustic blues jamming. The local musicians planning to assist include Cecil Gurganus, Brooks Forsyth, Trevor McKenzie, Brandon Holder, Rob Baskerville, David Burns, Graham Ferrell, Randy and Deborah Jean Sheets, Mary Greene, Gordy Hinners, Rebecca Keeter, and Willow Dillon. Participants should bring their own instruments. Listeners are also welcome. The June Jamboree is free and open to all.
“The slow jams are for people who know how to play an instrument,” Freed adds. “But, we also have options for folks who want to learn or instruction to improve their playing on a specific instrument.”

Starting in July, the Jones House will feature a five-week music lessons program, open to kids ages seven and older through adults. Instruction will be offered in fiddle, banjo, guitar, ukulele, and mandolin, for beginning through intermediate levels. The classes are taught in small groups, from 4-8 students. The five sessions are 45-minutes long, starting at 4:30, 5:30, or 6:30 p.m., depending on the instrument and playing level. The session costs $50 for adults and $35 for kids. Instruments are available to rent for $10 for the five-week period. To register for the session, please contact Mark Freed at mark.freed@townofboone.net or call 828.268.6282.
And, for those who just want to come and play tunes and songs, the Jones House Weekly Thursday Night Old-time Jam takes place every week from 7:30-11:00 p.m. year-round. The weekly old-time jam has been going strong for more than a decade. Each week, local musicians and passers-through convene at the Jones House to share old-time fiddle tunes and songs. The jam session are free and open to musicians and listeners alike.
For more information about the June Jamboree, July music lessons, or weekly old-time jam, please visit www.joneshouse.org or call 828.268.6280.

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