What do you do when there is plenty of food and lots of hungry people? You share! That’s exactly what three local hunger relief agencies are doing everySaturday at the Watauga County Farmers’ Market. Last year, Hospitality House, Casting Bread Food Pantry and Hunger and Health Coalition reached out to the Farmer Foodshare Inc. organization, based in Chapel Hill, to inquire about joining their network and opening a Donation Station at the Watauga Farmers’ Market.
Volunteers from each of the three agencies, along with Boone United Methodist Church, run a table at the Farmers Market each Saturday where shoppers may choose to donate fresh produce bought at the market or donate cash to buy food from the farmers. All money donated is spent that day to purchase food from local farmers at the market. All food donated that day is divided among the three hunger relief agencies and all of this fresh, healthy food is distributed to neighbors in need.
Additionally, with the assistance of gleaners from Boone United Methodist Church, farmers may donate any remaining food to be dividing among the three agencies each week.
“Having moved from Carrboro, I was keenly aware of the successes that the Farmer Foodshare Donation Stations had at farmers’ markets in that area,” says Hospitality House grants manager Bob Taylor. “While gleaning has been an ongoing part of the Watauga Farmers’ Market for several years, operating the Donation Station provides a simultaneous avenue of support to both the farmers and the agencies.”
In just the first three weeks at the farmers’ market has spent over $200 in contributions with local farmers and collected hundreds of pounds of food.
For further information about Farmer Foodshare Donation Stations, visithttp://www.farmerfoodshare.org/programs/donation-stations/
To check out the Watauga County Farmers’ Market schedule and meet the farmers, visithttp://www.wataugacountyfarmersmarket.org/ or follow them on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/WataugaCountyFarmersMarket
To learn more about Hunger and Health Coalition visit them online at http://hungerandhealthcoalition.com/
To learn more about Casting Bread Food Pantry visit them online athttp://www.faithbridgeumc.org/casting-bread-food-pantry.html
To learn more about Hospitality House visit them online at www.HospHouse.org, follow them on Twitter @HospHouseBoone or on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/HospHouse
For additional information, please contact Todd Carter at todd@hosphouse.org or828.264.1237 ext. 107.
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