By Jesse Wood
Watauga County Sanitation and Recycling Department is hosting a “household hazardous waste” collection day on Saturday, Oct. 10, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The county collects hazardous household waste two times a year – once in the spring and once in the fall – but that will soon change as the county is building a permanent site to house this waste.
It is expected to be open to the public once a month from early spring through November, Watauga Recycling Coordinator Heather Bowen said, adding that this means people will be able to drop off hazardous waste about eight to nine times instead of twice.
Residents don’t have to get out their vehicle to drop off the waste. In the past, staff directed two lines of traffic and handled the disposal of the waste, according to a prior article.
“Hopefully, this will be the last collection event like this. The next one will be in the new building,” Bowen said.
The new facility will be located in the same general area as the current collection event takes place – near the recycling building at the landfill.
Hazardous waste accepted includes:
- Paints, stains and varnishes
- Chemicals
- Cleaners
- Used oil
- Mercury items like thermostats or thermometers
- Batteries
- Light bulbs
- Pesticides
- Electronics
For more information, call 828-264-5305.