The following news release was sent by the Hospitality House to let concerned citizens know that they are still doing what they can to provide food for those in need during this time of uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus.
“Hospitality House of Northwest North Carolina remains evermore committed to the health, safety and welfare of the High Country’s most vulnerable population. With regards to COVID-19, we have been engaged with AppHealthCare for well over a week and are currently in touch multiple times each day. We are following the county-wide protocol put in place by AppHealthCare and are following their lead and directives as they come.
Our Community Kitchen and Food Pantry remain open seven days a week for anyone in our surrounding area who needs meals and/or food, including families, children and college students impacted by school closures. We serve three meals a day (breakfast 6:30a – 8:30a; lunch 11:30a – 1p and dinner 5:30p – 6:30p) in our Community Kitchen and our Food Pantry is open seven days a week from 9a – 11a and 1p – 4p.
WeCAN, our crisis assistance program remains open Monday to Friday from 10a – 12p and our Day Services (showers, laundry, lockers) remain available seven days a week between 6a – 7p until further notice.
Thank you to our dedicated supporters, donors and volunteers for stepping up during this unprecedented time. Our dedicated staff is working round the clock to ensure that our neighbors living in homelessness, hunger and poverty receive all available resources that we are able to provide.
For the latest updates and ways to help, please follow us on social media (Facebook / Instagram: @hosphouse; Twitter @HospHouseNWNC for the latest updates.”