Horn in the West’s ‘Haunted Horn’ Trail Opens Oct. 23; Raises Money for SAHA and the Appalachian Educators

Oct. 21, 2013. Appalachian State University’s Appalachian Educators are known for being kind and caring future teachers, except at Halloween. On Oct. 23-26 an Oct. 28-30 from 7-11 p.m., 30-40 Appalachian Educators scare the wits out of people each night at the Haunted Horn.

The site of the famous outdoor drama Horn in the West in the backdrop for creepy wooded trails, a circus gone terribly wrong and any ghost or ghoul you don’t want to imagine, much less see in the dark!

In collaboration with Southern Appalachian Historical Association, Haunted Horn raises money for SAHA production costs to sustain the well-known and well-loved outdoor drama. In return for the approximately 800 volunteer hours as ghosts and ghouls, SAHA donates a portion of the proceeds to Appalachian Educators, who, in turn, use this donation to help fund an annual service project which provides holiday gifts to underprivileged children identified by school counselors in six area elementary schools. 

In early December, the Appalachian Educators will once again dress up, but this time as elves, Santa and Mrs. Claus to make the holidays a little brighter. The “elves” couldn’t possibly provide presents for the 100+ school children, so faculty, staff and students of the Reich College of Education take a stocking with the children’s wishes and needs. Funds from the Haunted Horn buy presents for any unadopted children.

Kind and caring students plus scary costumes plus warm clothes, toys and books equals happy holidays. Appalachian State University Appalachian Educators are so thankful to SAHA and to be able to support children in the Watauga County community, and they like scaring them too!

The Haunted Horn Trails open nightly at 7 p.m. and continue through the evening. The trail is for ages 12 and up. Admission is $8 for students with proper ID and $10 for adults. For more information, call 282-264-2120.